
United Scholastic Academy Brampton

Name: United Scholastic Academy Brampton
BSID: 669029
Status: closed
Open Date: Sep 07, 2021
Closed Date: Aug 21, 2023

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Secondary
School Type: Private Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: 9-12
Semester type: Semestered
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: NO associations declared

Region: Central Region

Address: 25 Kings Cross Road Brampton, Ontario L6T 3V5
Postal Code: L6T3V5
Telephone: 416-554-8163

Principal Name: Chris Sarellas
Principal Start Date: Sep 14, 2021

Sources: Ministry Website

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SchoolCred Rating

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Connections to Other Schools

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Latest Google Reviews

United Scholastic Academy Brampton

Tamara Smith
02 May, 2024

” IT Gives me great joy to be posting this review. My son Started this school in mid September 2023 in Jk and honestly his academic development has been amazing . He is now reading at the age of 5 years old ,communicating so much more than when he started and he has now become a confident and well spoken little boy. I’m so happy I made the decision for him to come to this school. Great staff and his teacher Ms. Kaur is amazing. Ms. Mandy she is exceptional so easy to talk to and handle everything so well. My son absolutely love it here. Tamara “

Anonymous 1310
26 Dec, 2023

” School is average the teacher are good , there are no sport teams and you barely get to go in the gym to workout/play. The school is not in a good area. The price does not match up with what up get. They also make the school look amazing in front of other people, this school is not that great since they just give out grades. “

Sumit Gupta
20 Mar, 2023

” We feel pleasure sending our 4 years son to class JK at QGA. He is so excited going to school every day. He is so loved and pampered by school teachers and administration staff. His class teacher is just phenomenal who is extremely caring, affectionate towards kids. We can’t forget to mention his French, music, and Karate teacher along with the helping staff who are so dedicated and lovingly helping our son and other kids at school in their growth. In just last 7 months our son has surprised us with such an improvement and growth which wouldn’t have been possible without having sent to QGA. “

Raman Sharma
07 Feb, 2023

” We’ve been part of the school from last two years, and I have been very impressed with the staff throughout. When we went on lockdown, administration and teachers handled it very professionally. I can honestly say I feel very safe sending my kids there even in the middle of a pandemic. I have always had open communication with all the teachers and they have always addressed all my concerns and care for my children wonderfully. It is a tight knit community and I feel very blessed to be able to form part of this school. “

Tai Ade
21 Mar, 2022

” Both my children started attending QGA 2 years ago. The school handled the transition to online learning during covid quite well and continues to provide a hybrid option for student’s safety. Academically, I am pleased with my children’s progress and I am also pleased with the teachers my children have/ had, they have supported them and taken our (parents) feeback into consideration for our children’s learning plan. Communication from the school is very good. The spaces are clean and well maintained. “


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